
My name is Richard. I own a large commercial business which is located in Melbourne, Australia. Last year, I decided I needed to revamp the look of my business so I shut everything down for 8 weeks and called in a team of contractors. The contractors replaced the plumbing and installed a new electrical system. I also asked them to carry out some work on the roof. I was really impressed with how quickly they completed the work so I could reopen my business to the public. I decided to start this blog so I could offer advice to other business owners.


Tree Lopping Question: How Much To Trim Off Your Tree?

26 November 2019
, Blog

Tree lopping can do so much to improve aesthetics and curb appeal as well as making your property safer. Benefits to the tree itself include improved vitality, better yield and better protection from diseases. These are all benefits to look forward to, but only if the process is done right. Overdoing it with the tree lopping can put stress on the tree. It is for this reason that you should be careful about how much of the tree you trim off in the process.
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5 Untold Reasons for Getting the Garage Door Motors

23 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Does your garage door need an upgrade? If yes, then it is essential not to take the buying process of garage door motors for granted. Many dealers can sell these motors to you at an affordable price. However, performing due-diligence can be essential to ensure you make the right decision. The research should not only focus on the dealers alone but also garage door motors that you intend to purchase. These motors come in handy, and some of the benefits that you may get are discussed below.
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Mobile Crane Safety Tips

8 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Mobile cranes are your best bet when you need to move or hoist heavy objects in your construction site or warehouse. The extract below discusses the various safety precautions you should take when using mobile cranes.  Use the Right Crane  Use the right crane for the right purpose. For instance, a rough terrain mobile crane has a high ground clearance to ensure you can access uneven areas in the construction site or mine.
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What Will Be Underneath Your New Roof?

17 September 2019
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

If you are building or renovating your home, you may have considered which materials you want to use for your floor and walls, but have you given much thought to the roof that will protect your property? In addition to the materials used for your roof, you must also think about how your roof will be supported. In most cases, your roof will be held up by roof trusses. Steel or timber trusses will carry the weight of the slate, tiles or metal from which the roof is constructed.
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4 Fantastic Reasons to Consider Using Structural Timber Products for Your Construction Project

29 August 2019
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Structural timber is any wood capable of being used for structural purposes in construction. Timber has been used as a structural material for many centuries, and there are several reasons to consider using timber for today's structures. Here are some of the top benefits associated with using structural timber products for construction purposes.  Strength of the Timber When compared to other structural materials, timber has a relatively higher strength-to-weight ratio. The strength of timber stems from the way the tree grows.
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About Me
Using Construction Contractors on a Commercial Business

My name is Richard. I own a large commercial business which is located in Melbourne, Australia. Last year, I decided I needed to revamp the look of my business so I shut everything down for 8 weeks and called in a team of contractors. The contractors replaced the plumbing and installed a new electrical system. I also asked them to carry out some work on the roof. I was really impressed with how quickly they completed the work so I could reopen my business to the public. I decided to start this blog so I could offer advice to other business owners.
